Platinum Rewards FAQs

Can two households be tied to one membership?

Multiple households cannot be tied to one Platinum Rewards even if they are related.  Each household will need to purchase their own Platinum Rewards.

Can two persons (husband, wife, for example) be tied to one membership?

Yes, but only if living within the same household. The primary name on the account is the person purchasing the membership. Both names must be on the account, and both may redeem points with required personal ID in retail stores.   Other members of the immediate family (same household) may use the account to purchase and earn points, but will not be allowed to redeem points.  Only one online account (email address) can be synced to a membership.

Can two memberships be purchased in one household?

Yes. For instance, a husband and a wife may choose to have their own Platinum Rewards membership. They will receive separate mailings, separate emails, etc.

If I sign up for Platinum Rewards after I already signed up for Bookshelf Plus can I get a refund to equal the discount?

Platinum Rewards members are eligible for a 30% discount on their Bookshelf Plus subscription.  If you sign up for Platinum Rewards after you have already signed up for Bookshelf Plus, the discount will be activated on the next billing cycle. We do have a 7 day grace period where we can issue a credit card refund on request.  If you have signed up within 7 days of your Bookshelf Plus billing, please contact us at to explain the situation and request a refund for the discounted amount.

Can the Platinum Rewards be "returned" and refunded?

No. Platinum Rewards is non-refundable and is not returnable.  For those who have subscribed to the auto-renewal method of Platinum Rewards online, we do offer a 7-day grace period from the date of billing should you need to make a change.  To request a refund during the 7-day grace period please send a request to

Are there items or services that I cannot use my points on?

Points may not be redeemed to purchase taxes, gift cards, subscriptions, Seek Courses, Church Distribution items, and Willow Tree products.*

Are there items or services that do not earn  points?

Points may not be redeemed to purchase taxes, gift cards, subscriptions, Church Distribution items, and Willow Tree products.*

Can I sign up my Ward, Library, or School for Platinum?

No.  Platinum Rewards is for individuals only and is not available for organizations.

Do Rewards Points Expire?

Points will expire at the end of 12 months with no member activity (if the membership expires, and membership is not renewed). Points will continue to be earned with a current membership. If a membership lapses, points are available for redemption for an 12 month period before expiring (unless another membership is purchased during that time).

Can I Join Platinum Rewards Outside of the United States?

Absolutely!  You can join online HERE.  Please note that online Platinum Rewards will auto renewal each year until you cancel.  We collect and bill only in US Funds.   You can check current exchange rates HERE 

*Other exclusions apply.