Cancel Bookshelf+

Bookshelf+ is a program that grants access to 3000+ eBooks and Deseret Book's entire audiobook libary through through the Deseret Bookshelf mobile apps on iOS or Android, as well as the web at

How to Cancel Bookshelf+

To cancel the Bookshelf+ subscription, you will first have to log in to Then visit your account, navigate to the subscription section, then click the "My Subscriptions" link.

Link to my subscriptions in my account
Link to my subscription the my account page

Scroll to the Bookshelf+ section and click the "Subscription Details" link.

Bookshelf+ subscription section
Subscription details link on my subscription page

A popup modal will appear with a link to "Cancel Subscription"

Cancel subscription link in modal

If you need additional assistance email and we will be happy to assist you.

Billing Term Access

Once you cancel your subscription it will remain active until the end of the billing term. That means you will retain program access until the end of the billing term that you have paid for regardless of the date of cancellation. For example: If you cancel a subscription billed monthly it will active until the end of the monthly billing cycle or one month from the billing date, or if billed annually it will remain active until the end of the yearly billing cycle or one year from the billing date. There are no partial refunds for remaining time.

We do have a 7-day grace period from the time of billing for the Bookshelf+ subscription.  To request a refund during this 7-day period please contact us at

Accessing Purchased eBooks & Audiobooks

If you purchased eBooks or Audiobooks from the ecommerce storefront a-la-carte in an online order, you will retain access to those titles in Deseret Bookshelf, even if they are also included in Bookshelf+ and you cancel your subscription.

Notes, Markups & Highlights

Any markups made to eBooks are saved to your account and not deleted when cancelling Bookshelf+.

Please note: Deleting the Deseret Bookshelf app from you device DOES NOT cancel a Bookshelf+ subscription. Bookshelf+ can not be cancelled through the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). Bookshelf+ can only be cancelled through Deseret Book.